There are two prime rivers for canoeing in this area; the Stellako River and the Nechako River.
Stellako River
The upper part of the Stellako River (from the mouth at François Lake to the falls, 9 km (5.5 miles) downstream) is for expert class canoeists. This portion should only be attempted by experts, and then only after the river has be reconnoitered by rubber raft, to locate a take-out site above the falls.
From the bottom of the falls to Fraser Lake is for beginner class canoeists, with a nice stretch of calm water for a leisurely canoe trip.
Nechako River
The Nechako River offers trips from a few hours to 2 or 3 days, depending on where you put in and take-out. Several places to access the river give you the opportunity to break this interesting canoeing river into several short trips, or one long trip.
The majority of the river is beginner class with a couple of canyons that are intermediate class, except in high water. These two canyons are located above and below Larson’s on the Lily Lake Road. The remainder of the river from Cheslatta Falls is beginner class, except in extremely high water.
With all of the access points to the river you can plan almost any length trip you may desire. Cheslatta Falls to Fort Fraser is about 73 km (45 miles) by the river.
The scenery on the river is beautiful in all seasons, and the majority of the river runs through unpopulated timberland that has an abundance of wildlife. You will see all kinds of water animals in the river, as well as deer, moose, and other animals drinking from the river.
A number of the approaches are through private property, so be sure to ask permission to cross before you access the river. You can also put in under the highway bridge at Fort Fraser and go down river to Nautley Village. This is a nice afternoon trip for beginner canoeists.
We wish you good canoeing in this area, and a safe trip.