There are a wide variety of areas for hiking and sightseeing in and around Fraser Lake.
Mouse Mountain Park
Mouse Mountain Park is located right in the Village of Fraser Lake. There are numerous trails up the mountain, and the only access to the top is by walking. From the top there is a panoramic view of Fraser Lake and the surrounding area.
Fraser Mountain Trail
Near Piper’s Glen, on the east end of Fraser Lake – there is a hiking trail to the south that goes to the top of Fraser Mountain. A B.C. Forest Service lookout tower is located at the top of this mountain, and is manned all summer. The view from the top of this mountain is fantastic. The hike to the top takes three to four hours and is very nice.
Ormond Creek Trail
On the north shore of Fraser Lake – just beyond Peterson’s Point Campsite, you come to Ormond Creek and an old pack trail that goes up the east side of the creek. This is an interesting hiking trail, which goes up the east side of the creek to Ormond and Oona Lakes. Along the way you will see the canyon on Ormond Creek. To see the water falls, you have to wade up the creek into the canyon, and from there you will have an excellent view.
Red Rock Mountain
Another interesting hiking area is Red Rock Mountain. This is located on the north-west end of Fraser Lake – with a number of trails up the mountain. One of the trails starts at the north-west corner of the lake at the shale pit. At the top of the mountain, there is an extinct volcano and lava flows that seem to be frozen in motion. Before hiking the mountain, you must get permission from the Stellako Band office. Call (250) 699-8747.
There are many lakes and other interesting sights to see in the area surrounding Fraser Lake.